"And I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out/ You'd stay the hell out of my way"

Mar 09, 2010 22:35

Do you know what two things I don't need to happen on the same day? My brother to get food poisoning and not to be able to visit me, and my boss's boss's boss to phone me and tell me that I didn't get the job I applied for. I'm too tired for this.

So have meme answers instead. To the character-number-question meme. My characters:

1. Neal Caffrey (White Collar)
2. Sam Seaborn (The West Wing)
3. Ryan Seacrest (American Idol RPF)
4. James T Kirk (reboot Star Trek)
5. Katara (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
6. Wendy Watson (The Middleman)
7. Wonder Woman (Justice League Animated)
8. Moist von Lipwig (Discworld series)
9. Christopher Chant (Chrestomanci series)
10. Elphaba Thropp (Wicked)
11. Claudia Donovan (Warehouse 13)
12. Willow Rosenberg (Buffy)
13. Toshiko Sato (Torchwood)
14. Burton Guster (Psych)
15. Donna Noble (Doctor Who)

Why are six (Wendy Watson) and twelve (Willow Rosenberg) such great best friends?
Aww, Wendy and Willow would be excellent friends. They would look out for each other, and understand each other’s jobs. Plus in the event of an emergency Willow could be spell/tech back-up to Wendy’s kick-assing. Wendy would ground Willow a little, and Willow would fire Wendy up and encourage her. At this point, they're basically Buffy-or-Lacey substitutes of course.

From smilebackwards
What do Three (Ryan Seacrest) and Five (Katara) have a running argument about?
*g* Okay, so this is a brain-breaking crossover. I suspect that either they have an argument about the way Ryan keeps saying ladies/girls rather than women, and Katara is a little pissy about that or else Katara, being a fairly emotionally literate person, thinks Ryan should just have a conversation with Simon, rather than passive-aggressively sniping at each other for all of their last season. Katara has little tolerance for boys being dumb.

Would a threesome with six (Wendy Watson), eleven (Claudia Donovan), and thirteen (Toshiko Sato) work?
This… would be really pretty. And not out of the realms of possibility, assuming absence of canonical partners at this time. They’re all out investigating the same anomaly: Tosh is looking for rift activity, Claudia is trying to find the artifact, Wendy is running scans for alien hinkiness. They bump into each other, try to fob each other off, and then the alien/artifact/whatever goes nutty. Cue team-up and post-game drinks and commiseration and “Thank god we're hot chicks with superpowers(/awesome tech etc etc)”. Then threesome. It could happen. (write it?)

Assuming they are in highschool (or equivalent) Could Fourteen (Burton Guster) and Three (Ryan Seacrest) have lunch together or do they operate in very different social groups?
*pets this image* If Shawn could take the competition, absolutely. Granted, Gus is a spelling enthusiast and Ryan is on the swim team and (allegedly) plays football, but they totally bond over something ridiculously geeky. Possibly Oprah or their perfect teeth.

One (Neal Caffrey), Nine (Moist von Lipwig), Thirteen (Toshiko Sato), and Three (Ryan Seacrest) - what are their Hogwarts Houses?
Neal is probably a Slytherin (a fanon Slytherin, anyway) - he has a few Gryffindor tendencies, and it’s not as though disregard for rules is an exclusively Slytherin trait, but I think his cunning overwhelms brave/foolhardy.
Same probably applies for Moist. Like Neal, something of a 'reformed' Slytherin, but would totally take offence at that characterisation. You can do the right thing and still not want to rush in without thinking about the consequences - he plans and he’s self-interested, but not to the exclusion of the city/post/mint/employees/Spike.
Tosh is Ravenclaw for obvious reasons. Prizes intelligence - is a careful, responsible, awesome genius type.
Ryan, I suspect, is probably Hufflepuff. He is very hard-working.

If 15 (Donna Noble) were to write a book, what would it be about?
Donna either writes some kind of empowerment book for super-temps, encouraging them not to settle for less than they’re worth, or she writes sci-fi. And it’s weird, because she never had much interest in all that crap, but now she dreams of other planets, and aliens, and libraries that stretch on forever. Sometimes they’re nightmares, but a lot of the time it’s beautiful, and she starts writing it down when she wakes up, because otherwise she forgets it all. The reviews praise her unusual wit and her grounded attitude; fans love the way she treats everyone, alien and human characters alike, as though they’re all basically people. Purists sneer that it’s not really sci-fi, it’s all character and she never explains how things work - everyone else says that’s missing the point.

2 (Sam Seaborn), 7 (Wonder Woman), and 9 (Christopher Chant) audition for *insert country here* Idol, what do they sing and how far do they get in the competition?
Sam (assuming he doesn’t choose to sing something in latin) picks something classic. If not actually a Gilbert and Sullivan standard, then maybe some Cole Porter - Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye? He doesn’t win - he doesn’t seem to have listened to much music released in the last 5 years, but he makes the Top 12 on the strength of his voice and smile/eyes/charm.
Wonder Woman - Diana - either sings something from Themyscira that baffles everyone, or she talks to Hawkgirl beforehand and they pick something current and rock/pop. Maybe Circus, if Hawkgirl is unexpectedly a Britney fan. Simon nearly passes out - she goes pretty far and then he says something dumb and she gets pissed off and starts swinging lassos about.
Christopher is a strange one. Either he can’t sing at all, or it’s one of those things that he could be extremely talented at if he wanted to, but he doesn’t understand the point. It’s an opportunity to try something else, so he experiments with some sung spells that Tonino tried to show him, and everyone watching (including Debbie the stage manager) wonders where they got the effects budget. He does fine for a little while, but unexpectedly vanishes during the Top 8 show, when someone out there calls his name three times and he’s summoned away.

If 13 (Toshiko Sato) went on Mastermind, what would their specialist subject be?
You see, the obvious choice would be something tech related, but then she would run the risk of coming up with an answer beyond the scope of common human knowledge… So I think something more comforting - something linguistic, maybe or literature. Tosh does steal an alien book scanner when we first meet her, and she’s a romantic. Could be Austen, or the Brontës? (I don’t really watch Mastermind, so I’m being a bit vague here).

Out of all the characters, who would be the worst lover for 3 (Ryan Seacrest)? And the best?
Worst, much as I love her, probably Donna. She wouldn't get the Hollywood thing and Ryan is probably a little high-maintenance for her.
Hmm... Sam would understand the career-out-of-secrecy thing. And would probably be calming. Plus they're both a little geeky. Although Neal would probably give Ryan an excellent one-night stand to think fondly about later.

My questions (to give all the characters a go)
Four (James T Kirk), Eight (Moist von Lipwig) and Ten (Elphaba Thropp) form a superhero team. What are their powers?
Kirk is the Superhero type - he’d have flight or super strength or something like that. Orrrrr he could have luck as a superpower. That’d be cool. Moist probably has either disguise/shapeshifting magic or he has Rumour’s (Umbrella Academy) power of making lies truth. Elphaba has actual magic, of course. Like Zatanna. She and Moist think they’re the brains of the operation, but they let Jim think he’s in charge. Jim knows if it was up to those two, they wouldn’t get around to saving anyone, because they’d just snark at each other and the outside world instead of focussing on the mission.

One (Neal Caffrey) walks into a bar and meets Two (Sam Seaborn). What happens?
They have very pretty semi-narcissistic sex? Neal talks to Sam because he’s curious, and politicians are a special kind of challenge. Maybe he even thinks he can con Sam, though who knows out of what. Sam, in turn, thinks that Neal is charming, and he’s interested in trivia of all kinds, up to and including art/art theft. He finds out the truth eventually but doesn’t care. Toby/Josh/CJ: “oh, God, you’re going to try and reform him, aren’t you?”

This entry was originally posted at http://blackeyedgirl.dreamwidth.org/128838.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

torchwood, psych, dr who, btvs/ats, warehouse 13, justice league, white collar, fandom: meme, west wing, avatar, chrestomanci series, star trek, american idol, sam seaborn, wicked, ryan seacrest, discworld

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