Flist thank-yous and Yuletide reveal

Jan 01, 2010 01:45

I'm about to write my end-of-year memes but this part first.

First first:
Thank you to ebcdic for the incredibly cute card! I think it might have got redirected because I only got it once I got back to the flat, but it's lovely.
scrollgirl for the e-card which I did get, honest, I've just been incredibly remiss in, well, talking to people lately.
raedbard for the book which I have not yet been able to read but is sitting beside my bed calling to me with its thick book-ness and awesome title and cover.
mi_guida for the card and scarf which is beautiful and also, in this weather, very practical!

And - fic I wrote for my Yuletide assignment:
And Climb on Every Rung - Bridge to Terabithia [Jess/Leslie(ish); PG-13]
Jess is dreaming about Leslie again. Ten years post-canon.

Plus one full-length and one baby treat:
Maybe He's Just Taciturn - Phineas and Ferb [Phineas & Ferb; PG]
Every so often, some teacher or another asks why Phineas's brother doesn't talk.

Not-So-Good Vibrations - American Idol RPF [Ryan/Simon; PG-13]
Something is vibrating somewhere in their bed.

Thankfully, their recipients seem to have liked them, and I had some really lovely comments, so all in all I'm pretty content with that :) The Bridge to Terabithia one resisted being written for quite some time (raedbard will attest to that!) but the shape of it was in my head almost as soon as I read the assignment, so it was more a matter of translating that into real words than anything else. Actually, that's pretty much always my problem...

yuletide, bridge to terabithia: fanfic, real life: materialism, kid's tv, real life: friends, fanfic, american idol, american idol: fanfic, phineas & ferb: fanfic

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