“You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.”

Mar 04, 2009 01:22

Can anyone tell me offhand at what time (in the day) people found out that Prop 8 passed? Preferably in California, but all I know is that I didn't have it for certain (in GMT) til the next morning, so anywhere in the US will help. I'm trying to find it myself (research, because fanfic is my way to deal with issues of real life importance) but I'm getting pissed off reading up on it again.

It's the bigotry disguised as OMG think of the children disguised as social conscience that gets me most, I think. You know what, if you don't think being gay is suitable for discussion in front of children that's fine, but you don't get to discuss your marriage/boyfriend/kisses/fairytales/Shakespeare/Austen/Bible either. Nothing that suggests in any way that people fall in love and try their best at happily ever after, in whatever form they can find it. You don't want those relationships given federal recognition then fine, but yours doesn't either. If a civil union is the same fucking thing then that's all anybody gets. The churches can bless them and call them marriage under their own terms, and everyone gets to be civilly joined under the law. Anything else is just hypocrisy.

I had this argument with a guy last week that went on for hours. Moderate Republican, liberal-ish on social issues (gay marriage and abortion rights included) but in favour of small goverment and strict constructionism and the Second Amendment. And I disagreed with him with all I had (being in favour of loose constitutional interpretation and big government) but at least he was consistent, you know? I'm really not sure he needs his gun to protect the states from the encroaching federal goverment but at least I could see where he was coming from. There was a logic underpinning our inconsistent views. This is just... the world goes on being round, the sky continues to be blue, those fossils weren't just planted there. Some truths are self-evident.

After raedbard's detective AU, I was sort of thinking about Sam and Veronica Mars, you know. And how Veronica sees the truth as the only right thing she can give someone, a code with its own value - she can't make them happy, or make their cheating spouse not be, but she can give them the truth, and let them choose what to do with that, with their eyes open. It struck me that it was appropriate for Sam too: politician, writer, lawyer, detective, (space explorer). If you're any good at them, all require that devotion to finding truth, even if other people don't like it. Maybe he should be in my fic instead.

real life: sexuality, writing: ideas, real life: politics, fandom: questions

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