"Hey, wait! I'm having one of those things. You know, a headache with pictures."

Feb 26, 2009 00:55

Of course, I have already lost my enthusiasm for it, but there was a whole bus ride there where I thought I had a novel I could finish. I was thinking, as one does, about Gossip Girl future-fic. With Chuck reading/watching interviews with Dan Humphrey the new bright young thing of the literary world. Listening, as Dan talks about his book, and the inspiration for his novel about sexual exploitation and all the ways to hide that you're actually totally in love with a boy you profess to loathe. And knowing that he's written a fictionalised version of the relationship they never quite got around to having. (Yes, I know this has already been done in one way or another but it's not my fault my fandoms right now are all so little that they can only handle one or two go-arounds on the prettiest cliches. I want to write it anyway. The pair of them in 'The Serena Also Rises' break my heart)

So anyway I realised I was writing (in my head) so much about this fictional novel that it almost had a plot anyway. It's like fanfic but not! (Dan's versions of himself and Chuck are not necessarily accurate). Though of course it has teenagers having incredibly bad-idea sex, so I'm not sure how to sell it as a real book. And, like I said, I've fallen out of love with the idea already. Lord but I wish I could write.

It would be an excellent distraction from the fact that my housemate is moving out this weekend without either having someone to replace him, or having paid any of the bills he owes me for. Strangely, he's sleeping fine, and I'm going into work like the living dead. Ain't life grand.

In happier news, a few Oscars pics:

Brother2 went to his happy place when he saw this one. Dazzled.

Teen idols in suits

I am aware the fashion world disagrees with me, but I always think Tilda Swinton is intriguingly hot. Tina Fey is a Goddess as ever.

Not the best picture, but I am still tickled that Kevin Connolly and Leonardo Dicaprio are best buddies. And I love Hugh Jackman, though this isn't news.

James Franco always looks stoned to me now. Perhaps he is just happy.

Also, following this poll, where we discovered that I just have a warped sense of the common vernacular, what did I hear in Disney's 'Bolt'? Rhino (the hamster) to Bolt (the dog): "I'm on your six!" ;)

writing: ideas, awards, gossip girl, kevin connolly, oxford, picspam

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