Немного .Net 19 (TensorFlowSharp, утверждена спецификация C#, Compare DB)

Jul 02, 2022 09:40

1. TensorFlow - Creating C# Applications using TensorFlowSharp

"This article aims to demonstrate how to make the best use of Python for training a model and .NET to build a hypothetical end user application which consumes the trained model."

2. C# language specification approved

"Ecma International has approved the sixth edition of the C# language specification, with language author Microsoft citing a more open process in the development of the specification.

Known officially as ECMA-334, the sixth edition of the C# language specification was ratified last week. The main aspect of the C# 6 spec focuses on producing the standard text, Microsoft said. The Ecma TC49-TG2 task group behind the specification, which Microsoft participates in, has moved the source of the standard to the Markdown format, from which a PDF can produced, and hosts it in an open source repository under the .NET Foundation."

3. Easy Compare DB

"This script connects to two SQL Server databases and compare them. This is especially useful when we have a development database and a production database, and we want to know the changes that must be made before sending to production."


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