May 31, 2004 22:11
Was the fucking shit. One of the best weekends of my life.
One of the most out of control ones too. Got there Friday around noon with 200 beers and a 1/5 of Poncho Villa Tequila for the 3 of us, and we ended up leaving sunday afternoon with nothing. Taking beer bongs all day will do that to a guy though.
It was insane though. Probaly about 5,000 people there. 4byin' rigs up the ass. Everywhere you looked there was a bigger truck than the last one you saw. It was badass. Saw some interesting rednecks too. Lots of Confederate flags waving around... not down with that.
We braffed McClures 67 Bronco tough though. Took it dune hoppin', and climbing gnarly hills, just abusing the hell out of it. That thing is badass... but unfortunately Mark decided to braff too hard and dropped his rear driveshaft, which in turn made us have to fix it on Sunday... which took like 6 hours cuz of all the sand and shit.... I will try and post pix of it tomorrow. It sucked, but it was a good experience to have, and to learn how to do work like that in the dunes.
Saturday night we went to the mud pit. Best part of the weekend. Me and Mark were there from midnight to like 4am. All you need to know is... girls mud wrestling, badass fights, everyones hella drunk, still taking beer bongs myself, lots of titties flashin around, and plenty of trucks and screamin and yellin goin on.
There was even a live band there on Saturday night, and me and Mark went over there and kicked and hung out with their sound crew and smoked with them and the band.... pretty tight. Got pretty burned that day though.... hurts still.
Anywho, there was alot more than that, but too much to say, and I am really tired, and ya'll don't want that much detail of my drunken weekend.
Goodnight all,
Dustin Black