Title: Lex and Lorelei Go to an Auction
Author: eartheed
Fandom: Smallville/Gilmore Girls
Pairing: Lex Luthor/Lorelei Gilmore
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 1587
Spoilers etc.: None really
Disclaimer: Not mine. No profit. Don't sue.
Summary: She didn't belong at the Ladies' Garden Society Annual Auction anymore than he did.
Notes: In the early seasons of both Smallville and Gilmore Girls, Lex and Lorelei both struck me as kind of slutty. This is set in those early seasons.
Though he'd never laid eyes on this woman before, Lex recognized her immediately. He recognized that she didn't belong at the Ladies' Garden Society Annual auction anymore than he did. And that fact alone made them kindred spirits.