Title: The Stalking Game Characters: House, Wilson Warnings: none Summary: It's a game to House. Or is it? This is a very alternate universe; link to all chapters is here.
I'll admit that part was inspired by the back cover of Mostly Harmless. That and, like, Die Harder than the Last Four Die Hards, or whatever it is now.
I'm a bit confused with exactly what is going on with House. Wilson seems somehow to know, and is very angry about it. House is obviously 'hunting' him, instead of simply biting him in a more normal way, but why? Because it is less personal that way?
And why did House drug himself? Just to 'escape' for a bit?
I love the 'Commander Wilson' thing and the nod to canon with Wilson leaving House to clean up his own vomit. Also the punch. Wilson always seems to simmer slowly and then finally blows. House is lucky he didn't decide to use whatever it is he bought.
He's begun playing mind games with Wilson, stalking him through the decks of the California, pouncing on him unawares. House bites into the trapezius, or into the muscles of the upper arm, or even into the neck, but that's only to sedate him. The man goes down and then House takes, right there on the hard floor, and never from a jugular vein.
He has no idea why he's doing this, when it is not what he wants. Maybe that's why, because he shouldn't want anything from Wilson at all, but he does.
Thanks for clarifying - I had this question, too, and perhaps I forgot (or missed) that previous chapter. Will have to go back a little bit and refresh my memory.
Wow, I was just craving for some Wilson perspective of House's stalking game :D I'm actually reminded of Season 3 House and Wilson by this chaper, and how "not nice" Wilson actually is, but who can blame him? House had that punch coming.
Yeah, we hurt Wilson so much in this universe, but we don't want to lose sight of the fact that the guy has a spine and knows how to use it. He's not just a marshmallow.
And maybe that's one of the things House wanted to know. There would have been a whole raft of reasons he began playing this brutal game with Wilson, and I think one part of it was, he wanted to find Wilson's limits. And he did, and now he's satisfied.
Is it wrong that I found quite a bit of humor in this chapter? :) Despite the situation, the visual of House continually jumping Wilson, and Wilson cursing him ("Again?"), amused me. And of course, "Commander Wilson" and "Welcome to Defensive Strategies. Can I help you be safer?" :D
I loved all the little nods to canon (at least I think they were): House realizing maybe he wanted to push this to see where Wilson's limits were ("push it till it breaks"); Wilson silently fuming and avoiding House, until he finally takes action (a punch with his right hand); even the bite attacks reminded me of all the times House drugged Wilson. Heh.
I totally agree with Sassyjumper. I found the picture of House stalking Wilson and poor Wilson waking up in various places amusing as well. You could have written several chapters on just that and i would have been happy.
I am glad you did give Wilson a spine and glad to see he was so serious about stopping this, he even purchased a weapon.
Poor House is so confused. I can't wait to read the next installment. I just can't get enough.
Comments 14
I'll admit that part was inspired by the back cover of Mostly Harmless. That and, like, Die Harder than the Last Four Die Hards, or whatever it is now.
And why did House drug himself? Just to 'escape' for a bit?
I love the 'Commander Wilson' thing and the nod to canon with Wilson leaving House to clean up his own vomit. Also the punch. Wilson always seems to simmer slowly and then finally blows. House is lucky he didn't decide to use whatever it is he bought.
He's begun playing mind games with Wilson, stalking him through the decks of the California, pouncing on him unawares. House bites into the trapezius, or into the muscles of the upper arm, or even into the neck, but that's only to sedate him. The man goes down and then House takes, right there on the hard floor, and never from a jugular vein.
He has no idea why he's doing this, when it is not what he wants. Maybe that's why, because he shouldn't want anything from Wilson at all, but he does.
I'm actually reminded of Season 3 House and Wilson by this chaper, and how "not nice" Wilson actually is, but who can blame him? House had that punch coming.
And maybe that's one of the things House wanted to know. There would have been a whole raft of reasons he began playing this brutal game with Wilson, and I think one part of it was, he wanted to find Wilson's limits. And he did, and now he's satisfied.
I loved all the little nods to canon (at least I think they were): House realizing maybe he wanted to push this to see where Wilson's limits were ("push it till it breaks"); Wilson silently fuming and avoiding House, until he finally takes action (a punch with his right hand); even the bite attacks reminded me of all the times House drugged Wilson. Heh.
I am glad you did give Wilson a spine and glad to see he was so serious about stopping this, he even purchased a weapon.
Poor House is so confused. I can't wait to read the next installment. I just can't get enough.
Love, love, love Commander Wilson. LOL :)
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