Title: The Cierros Transgression -- "Pentimento"
Summary: Sometimes a one-way street is the only way out.
Characters: Two OCs
Rating: R for language and themes (gen fic).
Warnings: This is a very alternate universe. Adult themes and adult language.
Spoilers: No.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Never will.
NOTES: This is a bonus chapter for The Cierros
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Comments 18
Thanks for coming along.
Life is going to get a lot easier for us now that we can refer to our Trader as we've known him for, oh, almost four years now. Sid.
Jehosa Mason never did belong on Cierros, for all that he was born there. We think Sid's right. He really will like Nal Obereh.
And I do love the idea that you guys already knew Sid's name four years ago. You're amazing.
Waiting anxiously to find out what happens next!
It makes us happy when readers get invested at all in the characters we create. They may not be the main attraction, but we do love them.
And have you really known him for FOUR years!? Hurray for you guys. I honor your hard work, dedication, and discipline.
Mason, on the other hand, has only been with us a few months. :-)
I had written Bad Company in March; we started posting Aftershocks in August.
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