I'm going to a zombie walk tonight o.o
I've never seen a real one before but I've heard of them before..so expect pictures.
Life has been...alright. Like always, I want Chris home. I enjoy talking to him on the computer but the lack of any physical kind of interaction is really killing me. Fake hugs over the interweb won't always cut it.
Japan has become such a big source of stress and heartache for me that I don't think I would ever want to go there or have anything else to do with it anymore.
There are so many reasons for that but I'd rather not get into it right now.
It's getting soooo cold here. I can't stand it. We had one day of somewhat nice fall-ish weather and then the cold hit us like a brick. >_<
I think I hate the cold more than when it's really hot. I'd like to be a bird in times like these.
Man, I have to do a paper for history and can't even get it started. I'm starting to wish I'd never taken this class. I'm worried I'm going to fail it. I decided to do my paper on Nero...because he was crazy and weird I wanted to know more. But it's not working out. -_-
I don't know.
I think I'll go now. I don't really have much to talk about.