Black Canary - A Little Information and Back Story

Jul 21, 2009 01:55

Black Canary possesses a "Canary Cry" - a high-pitched, sonic scream which she can deploy to shatter objects and incapacitate her opponents.[4] Analyzing her capabilities, Doctor Mid-Nite found that she can reach ultrasonic frequencies outside the audible spectrum which render human beings unconscious. However, the cry has been shown to be ( Read more... )

black canary info

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Hiya! l33t_winged_bat July 21 2009, 06:27:46 UTC
I'm one of the admins at dc_nation, I noticed you wanted to join the community and we could use a Black Canary. There are some canon difference between where she is in our game versus where she is in DC right now. (A 5 year game history does that.)

The application is here, and it's not that scary we hope. I also act as the community historian/reference desk if you have questions so feel free to email or find me on AIM (; grayarcadian)

And hey, if you just want to read us and offer feedback, we wouldn't mind that either.


Re: Hiya! black_canaryii July 21 2009, 06:44:18 UTC
Hey, I'm sorry. Do you happen to have any information on the altered story-line for the Black Canary for the storyline?


Re: Hiya! l33t_winged_bat July 21 2009, 07:40:47 UTC
I can't see your HTML tag, but if it's DC Nation, here's the Dinah highlights ( ... )


Re: Hiya! black_canaryii July 21 2009, 07:59:08 UTC
Okay. I noticed on the roster that no one is currently playing Dr. Mid-Nite, and if that's incorrect, please let me know.

I suppose the things to know would simply be the links to everyone, and such, so if there's a page with all that, please link me.

Oh, and, uh, Phoebe?


Re: Hiya! l33t_winged_bat July 21 2009, 08:21:14 UTC
True about Mid-Nite. We have someone willing to temp and maybe temp-to-perm but she'd need someone characters to play off of. We used to have a Mid-Nite but that wasn't as long lived, sadly. If you're willing to help guide a newbie on Mid-Nite who is a good and experienced writer then thank you (romance completely optional). If that's not something you're into I completely understand.

There is a page like that, but we have it locked for privacy reasons. If you want to get a hold of the Mid-Nite temp she's on AIM now.

Phoebe....Story-wise, there was a hiccup in time/hypertime regarding speedsters and Phoebe is Barry's daughter that fell into our world - 'nuff said. She landed here in March, but according to her own bio she's been running through timelines for awhile. Again, I'd have you talk to the player but she's on hiatus and it's the type of hiatus where she's mostly away from the group e-mail. Sorry. :(


Re: Hiya! black_canaryii July 21 2009, 08:31:25 UTC
I don't know. I mean, I'm perfectly capable of helping a newbie, but to be honest, since I'm so unfamiliar with the Dr. Mid-Nite/Black Canary story arch, I don't know how I would do that. I'd love to talk to the "Mid-Nite temp" if that's okay. She can IM me on AIM at I know it's weird, but that's my screen name.

That's okay, I was just curious about Phoebe.

Do you happen to know what's going on with Green Arrow's storyline?


Re: Hiya! l33t_winged_bat July 21 2009, 08:49:32 UTC
Yeah, I'm up on everyone's history. I actually am in school to be a school librarian so much of what I do here for the writers is practice ( ... )


Re: Hiya! black_canaryii July 21 2009, 08:46:19 UTC
wait, my screen name is DinahTheCanary. I had to make a new one. :\


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