OK so this weekend was pretty uneventful (compared to some of my friends,lol) but nonetheless i survived. I am still waiting on a care package that my parents sent me from Tampa. They bought me some "girly" stuff from Bath and Body Works in my favorite scent "Warm Vanilla Sugar" and it's been over a week and i still havent gotten it. Hopefully it'll show up soon-i love little gifts.
I have another interview at 4pm this afternoon in downtown Greensboro. In which someone is going to drive me there b/c last time i got horribly lost. I hope all goes well with that. Oh how i hate interviews. I deem them as bad as going on a first date.
The dog i've been nursing back to health this last month or so is finally able to spend his days outside now! YAY! Now i dont have to witness him dragging my poor kitten "Popcorn" around the house constantly. It's kinda funny when he does it but i wonder if one of these times he might end up hurting her accidently.
My brother is leaving tomorrow morning from Tampa and heading to NY for his BIG move. He will be stopping into NC sometime tomorrow and im excited to see him and my new sister-in-law before they go. I don't envy his spot however. I lived in NY and NJ for quite sometime and i dont EVER plan on living there again thats for sure.
All who knows me, knows that my next catastrophic move is to Chicago to be with my man, Luke.
Cheers to all of my friends and i hope this week goes by quick and painless to say the least.
Cyn thanks for your call this morning....I needed a good laugh over last night's events girl. You handled things well....we all know if I had been there it would have been a different story all together. Sugar Ray Leonard ring a bell?