Whorelando Cunt #1

Feb 06, 2006 12:06

Okay so this is what she wrote to a friend....

I don't know you , and you don't know me.....Cyn and I are"supposed" to be cool....I know you and her are good friends....That is no concern of mine....However...Certain, "subjects" that I have seen addressed towards me, (Duh, I am NOT stupid...)Like when Meredith comes to town...You guys openly threatened me....Not cool....What I can't understand is WHY??!!......ANYTHING between Cyn and Me is just that....I do not think I have EVER DONE anythng to you ...Much less talk about you....Reiteration...We DON'T know each other...Right?....SOOOOO, Why, do you dislike me SO much, that you would take part in something that doesn't involve you...Fuck it...It doesn't even involve me...As far as I'm concerned, ....I cannot understand how/ why, all of Cyn's friends feel the need to verbally abuse me...Again...I DON'T know you , yet, you seem to hate me....Btw...I don't care if you do...Howevever...I DO care if you are going on biased, views against me...I DO NOT want ANY enemies....But, it seems like some of you feel the need to "hate me" to fit in, w/ Cyn and others life....Like I said... I hope She is sincere like she says...Nonetheless....Please, and I am VERY seriously Sincere....Stop, using me as a comman thread between you and other ppl.....I have , however sucsessful, tried to make peace w/ Cyn and Tony-They seem genuinely receptive.....But, the CONSTANT perpetuation of nastiness and hateful, derogatory discussions on your( and others) part DOES NOT make sense to me...I am NOT trying to be Cyn's best friend...I just want peace....I shan't be fooled again , nor, as trusting...I am NOT that stupid.....Again....We have NEVER talked...I DON'T know you , You DON'T know me...Imagine how it feels to look at words from ppl. that , not only are threatening, but are very(diliberately)hurtful....You guys focus SOOOO much on my nose....If you all have the money, I'll get the surgery, no problem.,lol...I have gotten as far as I have w/ out critisisim , so I guees I am ok, yet, you guys focus on and Try to hurt me over something I can;t control( I think I do ok, Michael Loves me-That's enough).....I could say SOOO many mean things, yet I don't.....I guess my main point in this E- is, Think for yourself.....I don't care if you hate me....I DO care that you hate me' cause it makes you look better to the HBC.....Honestly, I am NOT a bad person....Believe what you want to.....Just DO NOT hate on me to look good to your "friends".....I didn't want to have to write to you, but, Stuff has been pointed out to me, about you, regarding me....And I am not passive and I will NOT stand by and be threatened and talked about, by someone that doesn't know Fuck-all about me.....This isn't meant to be mean or bitchy(I can;t BELIEVE I care enough to reassure you, "cause obviously, none of you give a Fuck...)....I am just SO tired of seeing shit about me, from ppl. that I have done NOTHING to.....Hi to Cyn and Mereidith!!!...That's cause I KNOW you will forward this to them...I have nothing to hide.....One sideness REALLY irks me.....Anyways, ONCE again, I have no feelings or judgement towards you, ' cause we dont know one another....Can you please TRY and do the same?....Thanks, ~SO

And this is MY response.....

I must say that I was quite surprised to hear that Cyn had added you back to her friends list after all the drama and bullshit you have caused in not only her life but Michael's as well. I warned her that by adding you back this would be an opportunity for you to go snooping around on ppl's profile and group bulletin boards that you have no reason to even be on. And then to add a cherry ontop you e-mail Maria (Mari to her close friends which you my dear dimwit are NOT) and play the victim like you always do and whine about why ppl are treating you this way. So let me spell things out for you as clear as I can put them that way even a self proclaimed "retail whore" such as yourself is sure to understrand.....

First and Foremost:

Working at a club you have to, above everything else, present yourself in a manner that is well recieved and supports the establishment that is paying you to shake your ass (if you want to call what you have an ass). When you OPENLY cheat on your boyfriend with multiple amounts of men, snort coke with anyone that is supplying it for free....and sit back and not only belittle females while you're fucking their boyfriends behind their back or generally talking shit about them....then you should not be the least amount shocked that, that's what they're talking about. You my dick nosed little friend are the lowest form of humanity I have ever encountered. And the funny thing is, is that you're getting ready to hit 40 in like a year?! What a fucking joke! And as you know I worked at the same club for 13 yrs so I know what Im talking about. And I remember seeing your BROKE ASS there for more shitty synthpop bands, and everyone in Tampa had the same opinion of you. So get a grip with it honey.


You piss and moan trying to blame everyone else for supposidly following Cyn and my lead in bashing you. And its funny if you took the time from your super busy schedule loitering at the free clinic then you would know that each and everyone that has said anything regarding you has their own treacherous HATE and drug induced war stories to tell about you. NONE of these ppl were coerced in ANY way to feel the way they do about you. Thats what HBC is all about. DIVERSITY in interest which is a virtue you ABSOLUTELY DO NOT POSESS! Given the fact that you look like a sad, sickle cell tormented ex-stripper on a HOT TOPIC ad. You my little shylock friend are a PATHETIC GIMP of the western club circuit.


You LOST all the way across the board and now get to relish in the fact that you have been s'"snubbed" by most of Orlando, Florida. You got canned from your only "claim to fame" at the I-Bar (which honey I wouldn't even call that a club for Christs Sake!), you're a drain on good tax paying citizens, you spread disease not only of the body but most importantly of the mind with all the lies that spew out of the hole in your face you refer to as a "mouth". And last but not least you have to resort to groveling back to your ex-flame b/c he was unfortunately the only one that treated you well and you fucked it up by sleeping over and over with countless ppl (which i can name atleast 5 off the top of my head)....which im sure theres more if i had half the motivation to do the research.

So let me haunt you with this bitch before I sign off of this meat market circus of a website......there are plenty of things I would have loved to expose on here about you. But contrary to what u might think a certain someone has requested that I tame down my speel. So know this.....when I do see you (and our paths will cross eventually mind you) I will say whatever I deem as necassary to drive through your thick ugly skull that I DETEST YOU IN EVERYWAY IMAGINABLE. I dont give a damn if it has to do with your legal, mental, pharmaceutical or personal issues. I will let God, the club/bar and anyone else within earshot know just how much of a SLUT I really think and know you are. If you dont want ppl talking about your ass then KEEP YOUR FUCKING PANTS UP.

And since I have taken the initiative to send you this, let me tell you also that since you like to snoop on everyone's page to find shit to gripe about then I have taken it upon myself to post this on my blog, bulletin and group bulletin since i know how much you love hanging out there.

P.S. Honestly, good luck with your new career @ Pandora's (which by the way guys is one step up from a "hand job joint") and hoofin' it to work everyday for that BRILLIANT and GENEROUS 401K you're kickin at the local flea market (which in my eyes it is no better then a flea market) Im sure you fit in REAL well right next to the big yellow sign that says "THERE IS ALWAYS A MARKET FOR CHEAP, USELESS AND DAMAGED GOODS.....". Take this prolific moment in time to stop, reflect, get a life....(oh and a car)....and most importantly STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!!!
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