VIRAL NOTES: Unbelievable, still.
Liberality is a creeping sickness, and it has infiltrated everything from the highest corridors of government, at every level, to academia, to elementary school, and everywhere else. It is a dangerous element in the ongoing Culture War that has taken over once-American Hollywood, transforming it into a cesspool of un- and even anti-American "values". An ongoing war effort is being waged to turn America over, making everything that is good, bad, and everything that is bad, good. Case in point: the iconic comic book Captain America.
For decades, Captain America was an unabashed, unashamed American. He did not surrender to political correctness, nor was he a eurotrashy liberal. Quite the opposite; he was seen as a 'jingoistic' Conservative. Now, things have drastically changed, and the leftists in charge at Marvel Comics are afraid to cop to their leftist slants in this book, making weak excuses like:
In recent years, Marvel star writer Ed Brubaker’s work on the character has been exceptional and never two-dimensional. Brubaker (the son of a Navy intelligence officer who was stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba) came to recognize that Cap is a vessel that can contain whatever any generation or reader wants to put in it. In 2007, Brubaker told the New York Daily News: “What I found is that all the really hard-core left-wing fans want Cap to be standing out on - and giving speeches on - the street corner against the George W. Bush administration, and all the really right-wing fans want him to be over in the streets of Baghdad, punching out Saddam Hussein.” For one: I couldn't give two shits about Brubaker's father, nor what he did for a living. Trotting that crap out only serves as a cheap way of saying: "Look, he loves America, and his father was a patriot!" to the stupid that are willing to be swayed by that kind of thing. I'll be straight up: most Sailors I've had the misfortune of meeing (as a Soldier) are brainless liberals. Not all: most. Case in point?:
A RINO's RINO, if there ever was one. Then, there's this hippie, loser, waste of meat:
You know, that comedian was right: he does look like Riff-Raff.
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But I digress.
Captain America was supposed to be a person of strength. Of character. More than any other character in all comics. He was a man of valor and trust. This cop-out, this re-writing his character as the zeitgeist changes, is pure crap. So, one minutes, with one favored political philosophy reigning in the US, he's one way, and when there's an ideological shift, he suddenly changes? Where I come from, that's goes by names like schizophrenia, or even Dissociative Ddentity Disorder. If they wanted to make a true 'man of all seasons', he would not change. He would remain what he is. I'm not saying make him some milquetoast "centrist"; I'm saying give the man a set of values, and make him strong enough to not deviate from them. It's possible to be both staunchly Conservative and bipartisan, at the same time, believe it, or not. (It's not a skill liberals have mastered, but it exists.) A prime example of Conservative bipartisanship?:
So great a Conservative, Ronaldus Magnus has even a type of Conservative named after him (which I am): the Reagan Conservative (and he even has Reagan Democrats). A greater Conservative the US may never see, but that changes nothing: he worked with the democrats. He didn't try isolating them, or freezing them out, or disenfranchising the people they represented. Click to view
Ronaldus Magnus would NEVER have tolerated such a shameful disregard of the United States Constitution, and, originally, Ronaldus Magnus and Captain America were cut from the same cloth. Unfortunately, Captain America deteriorated.
In 2002, Marvel responded to the horrors of 9/11 with Captain America: The New Deal, a series featuring a terrorist named Al-Tariq who’s determined to punish the U.S. for its reckless misdeeds. After taking hostages in a small town with a defense plant, the militant addresses Captain America through loudspeakers, demanding: “Tell our children then, American - Who sowed death in their field - and left it for the innocent to harvest? Who took their hands, their feet?” A horrified hostage mother turns with fury on her own husband and shrills: “This is how you feed our baby? With bombs? You make bombs?”
No one in this comic (#3 of the series), neither Captain America nor any of the hostages, ever offers a word of rebuttal to the pro-terrorist tirade. The great Mark Steyn had Captain America pegged, pretty well, actually:
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In all honesty, with all the claims that Captain America is merely a blank slate for society to project it's values onto, that's not true. When was the last time you saw Conservative values really coming out of Captain America? I can't even remember. Now, there is, actually, an "American" politician that claims to be a 'blank slate', and that America is casting and projecting their values onto him. Guess who that is: This is political correctness, in it's worst form. In the Iron Man movie, they refused to use his greatest enemy, the Mandarin, because he was Chinese. Really. They alluded to "the Ten Rings", but wouldn't dare show a Chinese supervillain. On top of that, we've got a Captain America that's such a pussyface, he won't even fight al-Qaeda. Batman tried that once, but DC Comics chickened him out (,_Batman!). Furthering the liberal mindset, when Republicans were in prominent positions of political power, how did they react?:
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Naturally, when liberal bureaucrats gained the political upper hand, Captain America suddenly came back: Now, we have the Captain America movie coming out, and liberality has won out, in the writing. Instead of the staunchly pro-American hero, we are probably going to be left with a lukewarm, I-can-take-it-or-leave-it type. Dude. Seriously. What kind of assclown would make a Captain America movie, and not have the man be a super patriot?! What kind of idiot would approve such a thing?! This is proof-positive that political correctness is a corrosive, and it's eating deeper-and-deeper into American culture, and needs to be stopped, immediately.
Instead of a rock-ribbed, super-dependable patriot, what will we have?
Naturally, liberals see nothing wrong with this. Why would they? The thought of an American icon suddenly endorsing the suicidal idiocy of the "living, breathing Constitution" ( has got to be a joyous event for them. To the liberal, times change, and so must the Constitution. The Founding Fathers (a pack of athiestic/deistic, slave owning robber barons that saw blacks as nothing more than 3/5 of a Human being) are woeful anachronisms, and couldn't possibly have the brainpower to create a set of laws, rules and regulations that could possibly apply to our sophisticated, cosmopolitan times. Captain America is a representative of True America, and he's hip, because he knows what's really going on, and isn't into all that Founding Father worship, garbage.
This is indoctrination, plain-and-simple, and it's got to stop. Keep your stupid politicking out of comic books & out of the schools.
Oh, and while you're at it, out of Washington, too.
This Novemeber, as many believe the Conservatives of this country will strike a blow against the Dalai Obama...
...and his crew of America-hating leftists (as well as many RINOs, I hope), I can only wonder how the tempermental liberals working in Marvel Comics will react to that...