Jan 18, 2007 15:53
I have been dating Chris for the last two years..I have come to grow into him and really find out who he was..which is not the person he seemed to be...His arrogance urks me..we cant talk about our relationship ever especially when its because i'm feeling down in it and want to let some things out..its always my fautl..always his way or no way..he's controling and i've lost touch with my family....I need to get help leaving him because i'm constantly finding things of him like pics of himself naked on his e-mail from his phone that i've never seen..dated back to valentines day just before we made a year..i also found a text message to another girl telling her that she's the best woman he's ever met..he told me i'm to young to even call me a woman! she's younger than me! he never tells me things like taht or sends me sweet messages like that..at this point i say fuck it....then all my emotions clash because i am so in love..and i do want so badly to be with him..but it isnt worth it..why do i love him? He's just an ass who trys to control my life...I'm so tired..i'm falling..crashing..becoming unhealthy and i havent had a massage from a boyfriend of mine in over two years..and he wonders why i seem like i'm pushing him away..