
Sep 12, 2008 18:09


So, think this:
All Seeing Eye.

And Eye on top of a Tripod?

Heh. I was driving to work when this occurred. But the thing is, I get all these nifty ideas… but what the hell do I do with them? Write them in Livejournal for some “all seeing eyes” to see… but I don’t even know if eyes see these words… will I know? Will I care? Why do I care to document this neat thought?

Bah. I don’t know. All I do know is that I used a lot of I’s to describe this Eye-Pod-Er-Iffic-Point.

And to further this thought… I think I-pods’ are little pieces of electronic shit. I have collected numerous examples in my mere 22 years of day to day that IPODs are overpriced and last half… no… even worse… they don’t even last! They are garbage… just like the triangular tired business structure that the entire materialistic world is…. BUT WHY DON’T WE “SEE” THAT? Are we blind? Or do we deny what we see because… because why? Eff… For real… this reality is bullocks. This system is so simple and yet… here I be… working… stuck… grinding my tick tock gears…

Woh….. that went overboard… and now for something completely different… when I typed “woh” the lovely Microsoft word (aside: which just automatically capitalized ‘M’icrosoft) changed my woh… which I wanted… to who… wtf… I want woh… and if I didn’t know how to manipulate this damn program (not that I care… it’s not my puter) then I would be stuck with the frustration of always having to battle the machine to finally get what across I want to say… not what it thinks I should say… or do… or type… automatic font adjustation… who thought of that… it is just a mockery saying that the computer program knows better than our own beautiful brain… that we are flawed creatures and just because we may not know the rules of “language” we don’t know what we are or mean to be/say/type/think/do…

Rant. Done.

Oh: 1 more thing…

Mouse Labyrinth… heh… Lab-yrinth… lab..


You know those little maze boxes that they put mice/rats in and get them to crawl through to see how long it takes them to find the cheese or whatnot… Most of these maze like things had no lids… and I would wonder why they didn’t just try and climb the wall of their maze… or maybe they would climb the wall… and maybe the “lab” people would put them back… or… ugh… I am tired and I don’t know why I added this to the “one more thing” section… and I don’t know why I am typing this… wasting your time… my time? Waste? What is waste? It all just recycles back to the beginning after all… doesn’t it?

I want to climb out of this maze… and I’ll cute my way up the “lab” coat and scoot myself out in to the airducs and then I’ll recreate the world of the Rats of Nymh. MUUUUuahhahahahah… Oh man that was a great book… and oh man…

Pssht: Over & Out.

P.S.  Massage your third eye area with your thumb... it feels sooo cool... and apparently aids in clearing your sinus'.... cool & gross @ the same time!

your it

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