Jul 06, 2007 06:43
So i'm leaving today. Yup. You heard me. Leaving. For the weekend. Heading down to Lethbridge today (after lunch. Works gonna go by SOOO slow). For a model horse show. I'm sure someone will post incriminating pictures of me. But I sincerely hope not.
Why is it that whenever I need to sleep I can't? I definately did not sleep well last night. And it pisses me off. I went to bed at 10:35. And was up until around 12:30, tossing, turning. AND then when I did fall asleep I had a dream about how I failed English and Chemistry in University. It was such a nightmare and it left me feeling paniced and weird. Which is unpleasant.
Whats worse is that I never did take Chem in Uni. So what the fuck?
Yesterday was very hot. I didn't enjoy it. Today will be less hot, I hope I enjoy it more. Plus i'm only working the morning (hee hee).
Sunday of this weekend will be spent in Calgary at Spruce Meadows. It should be a blast! I'm taking my sleeping pills and ear plugs to Bobbies though. Heh.