Jun 26, 2007 06:58
Waking up with a headache sucks. My head is hurting and I want to just curl up and go back to sleep. But I have to go to work. In construction... and pray that my head doesn't explode.
On that note, my job is getting mildly better. It's not so awful anymore and it's becoming bearable, but I freaked out yesterday a bit when a friend who also works there (who sadly I don't get to work with) was like "Oh, well you know after this they'll probably just hire you."
Ugh. Run away! I'd have to buy a truck if that was the case, something i'm not overly keen on doing. Mrgle.
Breakfast calls. I'm working in the 'Bend this morning so I don't need to leave the house for another 50 minutes. Mmm So glorious.