Mar 10, 2007 02:00
so there was a skateboard movie premier.
V-day was the film.
i missed it. due to work. ..
of course.
i miissed all the festivities. product toss and such.
i skated a little. then we killed the lights.
everyone starts heading out.
and there was only a couple of us left just hanging around.
then some dude wanders drunkinly or twacked out on who knows..
and stares at everyone. individually and says who has my skateboard.
apperantly someone stole it. but we set it aside in hopes of giving it back.
none the less words escalate. where are you from. blah blah blah.
mostly directed to my friend jordan.(male)
they begin to do a little jig. a lot of thumping was heard. no doubt they were some pretty gnarly blows.
(skooby had previously scuffled with this guy making him leave earlier.but he came back.)
but whatever this drunk guy cant seem to get enough.
keeps at it with seriously 4 guys trying to beat his shit to a pulp, moslty because he was staring shit earlier at the movie premier.
so he is now to a staggering mess. swinging at everyone trying to help him. his lady friend is even worse.
she tries helping him. by fighting also. but then gives up and they get in the car.
they leave , but came back drivingin the truck with no means of peace.
now shit got scary. she driving crazy fast aiming for everyone.
she drove between cars to hit people. she was trying to kill.they drove in and out of the parking lot, 3 different times. each time trying to mow everyone down.
(pretty scary seeing lights gunning for you.all you can really do is run. ..and hide.)
i wish i could say nothing bad happened. but jordan got hit by this crazy ass couple. they broke his all ready bad leg(previously broken)so we sat in shock as we tried calling for help.
finally the ambulance came, cops, firemen, etc.
we gave descriptions, parcial plates, vehicle, and our story.
but it was the worst thing watching jordan get securely fastened to the bed. the moaning and cry of pain as they tried to put him onto the gurny.
what a terrible fucking night.