Apr 26, 2004 16:30
today was alright i stayed at johns house woke up hell of earily and went to church... which wasnt to bad after that we went on are way down to hunigton the slam dancers where being bitches they were making fun of us and shit i was about to walk in with some kfc and piss them off.We weet up with these kids down therethat were pretty kool they were pissed at the dancers so we pitted it was fun for a while than we realized how they were making us look like dumb asses but its all good we had there backs.lmao there was this kool guy down there selling counter fi videos he burnt from his house he was kool has fuck he gave me some ideas to make money..lol john bought one of his tapes hopefully it works. there was a pimp ass band down there that told the dancers to back off and they wanted a circle pit.SO we did and the dancers made fun of us than johny nailed this guy in the side and he backed off. the dancers were being real dicks probaly cause there TIGHT ASS PANTS RUBED THEM OFF or somehing they were kicking peoples knees out to drop people thats fucked up.But they can do what they want cause there pussys i got zaoa bass players bass pic and i got the drummer from AS I LAY DIEING DRUM STICK which he broke on his drums the show was great we were all up front michille got smashed i thought she was gonna pass out i did a flip while crowd surfin it was prety funny me and john were on the stage singin with the bass playeer it was great. im glad i will remember them this time...lol i can hardly move my back and neck hurts so im going to bed later <3