Jun 24, 2005 19:25
I don't think i could possible have had more highs and lows about a course than i did this week. I thought that chem eng was going horrible since i like failed the midterm...and thought that the prof was intimidating, so i go to talk to him and get him to go over the midterm and explain things to me...so i find out....I PASSED........whoa he like missed a few marks and that was enough to put me over the top HAHA i felt like jumping up and down and clicking my heels right then and there....but i don't lol....so he finishes going through the midterm and i basically discover i could have done much better if i had more time and didn't panic...I need to take a new approach to learning. I did well on all my other midterms except this one. So basically my prof is willing to help me out when i need it. He also gave me some really good advice for years to come... Basically i feel like going to talk to him may have been one of the best things i could have ever done. Now i have all this motivation to do really well in all my courses...i just hope that this keeps up through the rest of the term. Oh man....