Apr 02, 2005 22:40
Ah, an exhibition of mild madness on the DOA forums... o_O I just signed up for paypal and paid US$10 for a raffle ticket for Volks' Cyndy Limited. o_o... I want to win it. I WANT!! X/ Even though I'm 1 out of 200, I'm lucky that I'm not competing with a thousand people for her.. :D If i get it, I'll be paying around US$75 for her! XD And I'm going to change her face up, and I'll be able to practise face uping her, and sew clothes for her~ And i can finally have a bjd model for clothes and stuff.. T-- T She's gorgeous..
o_o though she does remind me of SD13 Syo boy. o_o the face shape and mouth shape..
First thing I'll do to her face is to remove her eyebrows and paint in softer features. and her pink lipstick too.. i want something soft and peachy for her. *^ * *clenches fist* yoshi! Will work to improve my luck from now on, and also my sense of responsibility. And also my earning power.. o_O