o well whatd u do?
February 22 2005, 07:32:21 UTC
whatd u do this weekend i had a good time supercross movies and this lock in up 11pm til 6:30 am got home and slept til like 3:30 it was awesome but im still tired ll ttyl dude NICK
When you're sad, I will get you drunk and help plot revenge against that sorry ass who made you sad. When you're blue, I'll dislodge whatever is choking you. When you smile, I will know you finally got some. When you're scared about something, I'll rag on you every chance I get. When you're worried, I'll tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be, so quit whining. When you're confused, I'll use tiny words to explain things to you (or maybe you could do that for me). When you're sick, stay far away from me, nah, I'm just messing... you know I'll take care of you. When you fall, I'll point and laugh at you and try to trip you again. This is my oath, my pledge, until the very end, why may you ask? Because you are the love of my life...<333
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