Aug 14, 2004 01:28
here ya go. i made this. feel free to copy n paste.. as long as u include the title.
In the Mind of a Crazy kylie
1. u have ur real name.. but what would you like to be called?: hm.. I don’t really like ice just because of mr. Creighton… I don’t like j-nasty. I like the name.. um.. I don’t know????? I like my nicknames. Blankey, jannerz, true friend, all those damn j-kis ones, favorite, I don’t really like. “short asian with the hair..HA” OMG THE HULK. I would like to be called THE HULK. ((it is me))yes of course.
2. whats ur worst quality. be honest..dont be a douche.: criticism.
3. biggest fear.. dont give me that lonesome shit.: hey whats wrong with lonesome!?!? Other than that. BUGS. CRAWLY THINGS! OMFG BUGS, SPIDERS, ESWKRLUW ELJ. I just like pulled my feet up to the chair
4. goal in life?: hm. Happiness? I don’t know. A successful business woman DUH (me and irene) my friends? Keep them? UCSD/UCSC/University of Hawaii? with my best friend Jennifer. I don’t know. Writing.. editor aof a big time magazine, whether it be fashion or politics. (no like home-making, christian parenting shit though) Happiness is good I guess.
5. how many times have u farted in public?: well geez.. unlike kylie.. I wouldn’t know.
6. scale of 1-10.. are u an angry person?:…heheh im up there with kylie.. but maybe not 12.. lol.. well maybe.
7. are you a virgin?!: okay if you know me, you should DEFINITELY know the fucking answer. And if you can’t figure it out the right answer SHAME ON YOU for not knowing me enough and for thinking wrong and terrible thoughts about me =(
8. favorite OLDIE tv show?: aww……… SO MANY. Threes company, happy days, the cosby show, cheers.. um um.. yeah. Theres more.
9. are you going to be an abusive parent?: heh… okay its stupid stuff like that would KEEP me from BECOMING a parent. Lol. I am not going to be a bad parent.. and I don’t want to be like my parents geez. Hahaha. And I do have anger problems lmfao.
10. how fo u feel about kylie?: shes a bitch. Heh. She does stupid things and she can be embarassing and she KNOWS it. some VERY stupid things. But she is a genuinely good person and can be an absolutely great friend and I do love her. She makes me laugh more than anyone else I can think of.. that means a lot. Her determination in life.. sometimes amazes me.
Pic the one ya like more..
Boobs or butt: hm? Which would I rather have? Dude the ass. I mean.. that’s where curves are formed. (well if you have a skinny waist) boobs are a definite nice plus though!
grass or trees..TREES. grasss is itchy. I like the pretty colors of trees. RED.
alc or weed: alochol
sex on the beach or sex on the trampolin: oh.. geez. On the beach.. during the night time.. with stars and pretty waves. Lol. But I wouldn’t like sandiness..
the chicken or the egg: I like chicken.. so it came first. Hm.
dory or nemo: DUDE! Dory duh!
curly or straight hair: on me, its straight. But I love curly hair.. I would love pretty curly hair..
wait. how old do u wanna be when u die?: geeeez I don’t know. I want a long happy life but then I don’t want to be old and unable to do anything at like 100. as old as I can be where I can still live and be happy and have fun doing SOMEWHAT physical things? Even if its just from like being able to go shopping with my grandchilden. ahhahaha
okay im done.
Damn kylie. Intursting survey. Lol. I liked leannas too