yepp yepp me with more pictures =) hehehe
did it work? i dont think it did. well anyways.. its a really unflattering picture of.. well basically everyone in the picture hahahha.. except maybe Danielle, she looks pretty. lol so... i put this in my lj anyways? hehehe. heheheh DjJasa.. quite an interesting group of friends
may i just say "oooooooohhh Mr. BucChols... aaaaaaaahhhH MR BUCCHOLS"-aLLy
MUAHAHAHH that was so funny lmao. what a hoTTie FASHO right? lol oh yes
hahahah OKAY well back to homework.. oh summer work is such a beautiful thing :'(
oh loook at the itty bitty font.. hoOoow cute!!!! RaaaWr!!!!
---your very studious friend janice =)
ii am so proud to be a smart ass!!!!!! muahahahahah