Jan 28, 2007 13:07
As per usual I've been up to not alot, I recently upgraded my PC so I've been busy getting everything back to how I'm used to it. You'll notice this post wont include much pictures, thats because my computer currently lacks Photoshop and Fireworks, so I can't really do much except post some huge 1200x1024 screenshots!
Ingame, I haven't been up to alot. I had an awesome merit party with Boondocksaint (among others!) we kicked the shit out of some Colibris and bugards and I ended up with capped EXP on my RDM and about 3 merits to boot! Very fun!
I also did two runs of dynamis, as usual, on monday there wasn't many drops and then we wiped during the dragon kiting part right at the end (we were on Beaucedine) on Thursday we also did Beaucedine for the win, we got a couple of 100 coins, and some AF (lolDRG, DRK and WHM are the peices I remember, not quite sure what else...)
ffxi rl