10 most annoying things over the week

May 06, 2007 22:40

Disclaimer: Some names have been changed for discretion. Some people don't need to be named. 
Yeah, this takes the crown for the best journal so far with the best cribbing!

1) Wasting/ Waiting every single moment on a holiday and weekend for ' nothing '. - This one's my fault!!!! Damn....the dependency bug has already bitten me real bad. Need to get a cure for this ASAP.
2) Pathetic time sense - Quote: “I’m leaving in 10 minutes, im leaving in another 10 minutes. Im right outside the office. Im just leaving....wow...How do you know what traffic is like? How do you know how much I had to wait there? ”- (Correct!  Haven’t seen roads at all...I fly by everyday and I have all traffic stopped for me to go home! : How the hell to women don’t have traffic jams or other issues)
3) Giving lifeless things more importance over Human beings. - Someone rightly said , men can even get married to their cars. Poor women! This is a bad plan God had when he said, it's right for men and women to get married! ----Hmmm for happiness' sake, now I know how 'Gay's came up!
4) Loosing temper and blowing up everything. This feels worse, when the person just says it's ok --- “Be fine!” (Mom’s are the best! And yes I'm annoyed about myself here! - I wish I could throw that temper off my head! )
5 ) Getting a call every 10 mnts up until midnight Quote : " is that done ? is this done ? Have u sent this? Have you done that? ”-(Spikey*!!!! Pls spend the weekend with your wife, not at work! - I guess after men get bored with their cars...they fall in love all over again with their work! )
6 ) No movie , yet again wait and spoil the entire day. - (Refer to point 1: Dependency bug) that’s right! Im sure I can find this somewhere below. Saying the more you look fwd to something, the chances are that they are already planned for not happening. - That statement is my brainchild...Of course wise statements come with rich experience.
7) Being asked if I don’t like something...and after having heard that entire story--- Quote: " hmmm, can't help it is the response I get! These are important deliverables. Mind you this is a very complex project by far." - Spikey*!!! Did you have to waste my time and yours!
8) Insensitivity to the core - Thoughtless acts and putting someone in trouble.
9 ) Calling up and saying ...Fyi...im here with these people....Fyi....Im out drinking coffee/ beer....Fyi...I’m sleeping. _ Uhh! This is a defect that women marry to! Guess there's not a single woman, who's not pissed with her Friend / fiancée / husband for something.
10) Last but not the least - Tring Tring “Hullo... (in a hurry) .Uh, .helu ..." - Wow, didn’t know some people had to save the world and they can't spare a minute to talk!

But the bright side of all this is “I get to shop :) I get to watch 3 movies! ..... And I had an eventful week!

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