Friends cut.
not really a cut, since it's only 3 people. and only 1 isn't a deleted journal.
but still.
So my message to you, since i DON'T want to talk to you to your face ^_^.
and I don't like reading all that stuff anyway :/
There's a reason why i've been ignoring you. There's a reason why I just let you win these stupid 'arguments' with you basically saying the same thing.
Dude, you suck, and you have no life. Seriously. Every time you say "I'm so busy you guysss~!~~!~~~ ;0!~!" I LOL a LOT. Because hahaha what is there that makes you busy? Daydreaming how you'll never marry kame? Come on now, seriously.
And the whole "omg i'm the victim here, i make filters because I can't deal with it all!~!!! Oh kame!!~!@@ MAKING A NEW I HATE ALL MY RL FRIENDS THEY NEED TO DIE, WTF WHY WON'T THEY DIE JOURNAL IS THE SAME. KAME PRZ 2 SUK MAI PEEN" LOL GAY. You're retarded if you really believe any of the shit you type.
I didn't want to start shit, still don't. But this probably will. But haha stopped caring a LONG time ago. You're a user and a lying, self-centered, bitch. Why should I? It's never going to change, lol.
This post would be of the same respect you give me. And you know i'm always about that equal respect stuff.
The only reason why i've actually tried staying cool with you is because you like to tell all your friends how bad a person is after you've had a fight or something. It's happened 4 times since we've been friends. And you would tell all this unnecessary shit to me about these 'so-called-bitches' and how they are TERRIBLE people. Well, I know if I said anything you would do the same thing for me.
I don't want to lose the friends I have by your convincing powers. And if i do, then i guess they really weren't my friends in the first place. ;/
I've talked about this a lot to Dave and my mom. Lol. they never liked you coming to our house. All you do is use everything and then leave. Then you have your dad pick you up. Uh..How old are you again? You've have had how many jobs? You are busy doing what exactly again? You live where again? I really think there should be some re-evaluating here. But once again, I. REALLY. DON'T. CARE. So if you don't.......iunno. Go to your other 'friends.'
So yeah, I have a problem with you. You use everyone around you and lie/exaggerate the truth, so YOU can get ahead. You don't care about anyone else. I don't play that game. I'm out.
And i think it's better if this is though LJ. That makes this light-hearted almost. And i end up not wasting energy on something so pathetically lame.
yeah. if anyone else wants to defriend me because of this, go ahead. I've stopped caring. comments on because i'm not one to cut people off. (not pointing fingers, i'm just not)