OMGWTFALA. K SO. Friday...nothing. i was there. but i didn't matter. HI TO THE PEOPLE I SAW FRIDAY. and from the lack of sleep i don't remember exactly who. haha. ♥
saturday. haha. this MADE ALA.
I can’t wait for’s pictures of us.HOMAIGOD I LOVE THOSE ToT
HOLY CRAP I LOVE YOU GUYS SO IMMENSELY TToTT i never want to cosplay anything else again. so not true. XD but it doesn't change the fact of the love
i think the best part about this whole triolove was
ondorikun squealing "IIIICHIINEN!!!" and us all backingawayfrom the door slowly.
haha made me laughsohardcorely. people don't like my unibrow. i like my unibrow. i want one permanently. so i could be horio all the times. which i would love 2. but what's even MORE LOVE IS HOLLY'S WIG HOLY CRAP. everytime i look at it or a picture of it i can't stop giggling.
haha she left it in my truck. neeeenerrrr
tenimyusa=ruled. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
uhm. then i changed into tsunade.
:D you love it. you know you do.
i played hokagetachi with
................"wait. so you don't know ASASTSUKI?" No. No i don't. I don't think such a thing EXISTS.
then we got into kat-tun. which i don't have any good pictures of on my own camera. lol those picures really sucked. hardcore. uhm...but yeah. I hate my ueda hair XD I just don't like being ueda. I phail.
SUNDAY. Nobutanobutanobutanobutanobutanobutanobuta
can I please make hothot love to you both at the same time with the lights on? PLEEEASE?
lessons learned: I don't deal well with passiveaggressive people. it doesn't work. not happeningu
My unibrow apparently gives a LOT of people nightmares. :confused:
fiberoptic wigs = the best god damned thing in the world.
chicken noodle soup at 1 am is like an orgasm in my mouth.
i need more food
i need more sleep.
i wish i was cool.
neon green naruto wig ftw
my babies debuting ;o;
I miss everyone already. XD I miss my unibrow. I want to be ichinen 10bajillion more times. K yah that’s it.