ta-da. teh tutorial?
link. ($4)
everyone has this under their sinks, right?
(aaron brothers sells individuals? $1.) only if you need to mix colors.
needs sports top.
that's what it looks like after XD
unless you wanna be cool with different colored hands.
for afterwards. trust me you need it.
9. a bigger room than my bathroom. with large windows. and maybe a fan. with those sick masks.
edit. i just noticed how much i need a job being a hand model. Oh man~ the marker spots on my handdsss..
-- Put a LITTLE bit of the ink in the waterbottle. Just a little. this stuff is THICK. then pour the rubbing alcohol in. How ever much you want. Depending on how much ink you put it, this may or may not help with the density of the color. (i didn't know HOW thick it was, so i put a lot of ink in and i got a DARK brown)
-- (only if you aren't happy with the color you have now) Take off the sharpie head and get the cool little ink holder thing. Gloves are on? Now squirt it in the bottle. (i did two dark browns because of the red it had in it. The Sepia ink is kinda boring-brown) Add more alcohol if you need to. SHAKE IT LIKE A SALT SHAKAR. or a polaroid picture. whatever suits you.
-- put the wig/wig head in the tub or where ever you plan to do this. Pour dat shiz on that wig, yo. Use your hands to get the color through. yeah it's REALLY messy at this point.
-- When you're happy with all the dye-ness in it. leave it to dry. it'll take like 4 hours or something. i dunno. but when it dries, get a pick or a comb and just go through it. becuase it's all stiff at this point. If you need to style it..You can use this to your advantage. (yay jinjin flips.)
-- CLEAN. gawd. yeah. if you're as messy as me and have a clean obesses freak mother, you'll get major arm muscles to the max. :D
ps. i'm forever banned from doing this in my house again. :P
now back to working. :/ oh and i'd suggest cutting it first, antonia. why waste dye? :B