BigDamn Weekend!!

Oct 10, 2005 16:17

The last weekend was absolutely fantastic. i finally saw Serenity (with tim tams dropped at my work by my girlfriend), had dinner with Mermaid and spent *a lot* of time with my girlfriend.
right, in order, so my girlfriend doesn't see

It had me from minute one. the shot of planet fall was fantastic. i was totally focused on the movie for the whole time. It really had everything including a big damn space battle!!! - i really loved that - the grace of the Alliance ships against the brutal size of the revers. it was very eldar vs orks. i had the 'weird dead world' thing - which was cool and i cringed at the damage done to Serenity when she crashed. Walsh dying was very sad - but he was one of my least favorite characters, due to the lack of screen time he had. it was so Joss. "oh, you liked those characters? well, they are dead, dead DEAD!!!"

Dinner was fantastic - we went to a lovely pizza place and had really good food and great company. i am still wait to talk to Mermaid about the film as Ellen hasn't seen it yet.

and yet....

all of these things seems an age away. the time that i spend with Ellen eclipses it all. We did a number of things - we gamed on saturday day (which was most frustrating, one of the other players ruined a very balanced contest between and the guy that won by randomly picking me. i hate king makers.)we went to Sarah's 24th which was nice. Sar, I wore your cloak!!! It was very cool!;
but the time that we spent together and the sharing of who we are still is making my head spin. it seems that the more time we spend together, the more we find how well we understand each other. it is a remarkable thing.

"To capture the enemy's entire army is better than to destroy it; to take intact a regiment, a company, or a squad is better than to destroy them. For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the supreme of excellence. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence."
- Sun Tzu quotes
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