Aug 25, 2006 18:05
Danchou, if you have a cold, cough drops aren't going to be enough.
Here's what you'll need:
~ Nasal Decongestant (something like "Dimetapp")
~ Vapor Cream (ointment is too greasy)
~ Blankets
~ Hot tea
~ Salt
~ Beer Nevermind. That one's for me. It'd interact adversely with the Nasal Decongestant. NO ALCOHOL UNTIL YOU'RE BETTER. (More for me. ^_^)
Take the Nasal Decongestant every 8 hours (ask Fei to help you out there, I guess), the vapor cream will also help you breathe...
Every once in a while, you should gargle a little warm salt water to get rid of the phlegm.
The beer... I guess we can swipe some later to have when you recover. ^_^
That is all. Get well soon, Danchou!