Aug 18, 2003 23:00
I finally got once of these Livejournal thingies so i better start posting :)
Claire's been posting in hers 4 ages now *waves* and always makes me read it so i decided 2 write my own 2 annoy her *mwuhahahaha*
I got the code off some random stranger (newbie) but I am very grateful 2 them as otherwise I could get a livejournal and would b doomed 2 reading claire's 4eva...and eva...AND EVA!!! *cries*
anyhu...i didnt do anythin 2day-just sat at the computer and finished off updating office 2003. kinda boring but gave me sumthing to do other than IM-ing ppl...
i watched the making of "American Pie 3:The Wedding" earlier and it looks soooo cool-any1 hus seen it-leave a comment with wat u thot below :)
we wudda gone 2 c it 2day/2moro (me/mike/claire/etc) BUT NO!!!!! claire had 2 call it a stupid "popcorn movie" and decide 2 just goto town 2moro - at least rach will b der (who i havent seen ALL SUMMER!!) :P
JUST OVER 4 DAYS TIL SLANEO!!!! YAY!!! If ya didnt no im goin 2 slane near dublin 2 c the chilis and foos and feeder and morsheeba and QOTSA and Pj Harvey and Halite!!! YAY!!! *excited* :D I cant w8