so i saw Twilight.
and it was pretty good.
Mariam, Viv, Amanda & i were constantly talking and critiquing throughout the movie.
seriously, we were like the only loud ones, which was kinda surprising.
and i'm surprised more people didn't get pissed of at us, LOL.
Amanda was on an absolute rampage, screaming "CHANGE THE CHANNEL!" and "SAY IT!".
oh man, that was pretty hilarious.
Mariam and i were always leaning over and whispering things throughout the movie,
and all of us always saying "what the hell?!"
LOL, man it was awesome!
after the movie ended, the massive discussion came!
we were on this non-stop critiquing train!
what did we love? what did they miss? what the fuck was going on there?
and it didn't stop once we got into the van!
me, Mariam & Viv.
i won't lie - they did miss quite a bit of things from the books.
i don't like how they didn't give more background information on the Cullens.
and they hardly showed the start of the close relationship between Bella and Alice.
there were some other things, but i won't rant about it.
so one of the best scenes in the movie had to be the baseball scene.
Supermassive Black Hole totally made it.
and now, i can't get the guitar riff out of my head.
Emmett was totally smokin' throughout the whole scene movie!
and with his baseball cap sideways - oh man!
Jasper was pretty hot too. although in some scenes he looked kinda spaced out.
but still. love.
hilarious how he had like 2 lines, lmfao!
i still didn't like Taylor Lautner's long hair.
but i could stand it.
but i still like it better short :)
Robert Pattinson played Edward really well.
honestly, i was focussed on him so much.
which is what was suppose to happen.
so well done to him for entrancing the entire female (and male) audience.
but he tended to do some really random, really quite funny things, LOL.
he looked best when was smiling :)
Kristen Stewart was alright.
wasn't as bad as i thought she may have been.
but seriously, she has a fucking problem with her eyes.
and she always like, opened and closed her mouth slightly.
fack, that was annoying.
she was also quite emotionless.
after discovering your mancrush and his family are vampires, i'd be just a little more than passive.
same with having your leg broken and such.
this girl at times, was spastic.
but overall - not bad.
seriously, we were all laughing at everything.
that's probably what made it better.
we went all HSM3 on their ass, lmfao.
ad i'm ranting about this way too much :)
this picture makes me smile :)