Mar 06, 2005 11:25
hey.. its sunday march 6 an i havnt updated this in forever basically heres wut went down haha : Alex&Chris no longer exist..that relationship is gone..completly over..its kinda sad..i was really into him :-/ : i ran in my first track meet on wednesday!! got 6:13 mile an 2:41 half mile!! then yesterday was the big meet..eagle 6:03 mile an 2:39 half mile!! haha i was so happy!! everyone did really gooood..the meet was sooooooooo long i got there at 8:30 an we left at 6 then went out to eat at il primo' was fun tho..gurls an guys both got second overall!! so i went to bed at 9 last nite i got alot of sleep.. u know how wen u get too much sleep ur tired the whole day..thats how i am im rly lazy rite now..hopefully wen i go to the mall iwill be more awake now that me an chris are over i duno wut to think bout guys they ALL lie to me an cheat its so SAD lol..mayb its me? haha like am i a bad gurlfriend..not pretty enough..? i dont get it..mayb i just date all the wrong guys..i wish i cud just find one that was true to who i liked bak
one question: is there such thing as a TRUE_BOYFRiEND?