May 11, 2005 23:13
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:45 PM]: ur so cute
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:45 PM]: *heart*<3
xox asshat xox [9:46 PM]: Psht.
xox asshat xox [9:46 PM]: <3
xox asshat xox [9:46 PM]: [poke]
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:46 PM]: heh
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:46 PM]: aww
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:46 PM]: [[pokes back>
xox asshat xox [9:46 PM]: [points] Look at that!
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:46 PM]: [[looks away> WHAT!!!
xox asshat xox [9:46 PM]: [throws a pillow at you]
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:46 PM]: :-[
xox asshat xox [9:46 PM]: [runs and hides]
xox asshat xox [9:46 PM]: [under a blankie]
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:47 PM]: i cant believe i fell for that
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:47 PM]: imma get u back
xox asshat xox [9:47 PM]: Nuh uh. :P
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:47 PM]: [[staples blankie ur under to the bed>
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:47 PM]: :-P
xox asshat xox [9:47 PM]: o.o
xox asshat xox [9:47 PM]: [dies from lack of oxygen]
xox asshat xox [9:47 PM]: x.x
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:47 PM]: [[made sure there was oxygen holes, so ucant be dead silly>
xox asshat xox [9:48 PM]: >_<
xox asshat xox [9:48 PM]: Damn plan didn't work.
xox asshat xox [9:48 PM]: [goes to sleep]
xox asshat xox [9:48 PM]: :P
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:49 PM]: [[pokes u 100000 times, till u wake up>
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:49 PM]: i told u i was getting you back
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:49 PM]: :-P
xox asshat xox [9:49 PM]: [bites your finger]
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:49 PM]: OW!
xox asshat xox [9:49 PM]: [doesn't let go]
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:49 PM]: that wasnt nice
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:50 PM]: LET GO!!! hehe
xox asshat xox [9:50 PM]: Let me out.
xox asshat xox [9:50 PM]: Or come under.
xox asshat xox [9:50 PM]: o.0
xox asshat xox [9:50 PM]: haha
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:50 PM]: [[comes under> ;-) lol
xox asshat xox [9:50 PM]: [cuddles]
xox asshat xox [9:50 PM]: [sleeps]
xox asshat xox [9:50 PM]: I'm a total cuddle whore.
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:51 PM]: [[cuddles back, and falls asleep w/u> hehe. me 2 =D
xox asshat xox [9:51 PM]: [sneaks out]
xox asshat xox [9:51 PM]: [restaples blankie]
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:51 PM]: :'( ur so mean
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:51 PM]: [[gets mad cuz u lead her on>
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:51 PM]: lolzzzz
xox asshat xox [9:51 PM]: I didn't turn on N*Sync.
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:52 PM]: what??
xox asshat xox [9:52 PM]: [unstaples]
xox asshat xox [9:52 PM]: I could have been mean, and turned N*sync.
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:52 PM]: [[tackles u, and tickles u... hoping ur ticklish>
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:52 PM]: lol
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:53 PM]: i love n sync :-P
xox asshat xox [9:53 PM]: I'm not.
xox asshat xox [9:53 PM]: But I do enjoy the touching.
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:53 PM]: lol
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:53 PM]: ;-)
xox asshat xox [9:53 PM]: ^_~
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:53 PM]: ok then... [[kisses u.. then runs and hides in the closet>
xox asshat xox [9:53 PM]: [confused]
xox asshat xox [9:54 PM]: [sits and pouts] Come baccckkkk.
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:54 PM]: [[giggles>
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:54 PM]: hehe, u cant find m
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:54 PM]: e
xox asshat xox [9:54 PM]: [throws a cupcake at the closet]
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:54 PM]: WTF lmao
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:54 PM]: [[sneaks outta the closet and grabs u from behind>
xox asshat xox [9:55 PM]: [falls over]
DoorNailDorthy19 [9:55 PM]: hehe [[giggles again]]
hehe this kid is 1/1,000,000
i<3 him more then my <3 can <3 lolzzzz
to bad he lives in florida :-(