i'm in a good mood, i just wanted to get this out. ^_^
ok...ashley guiste...this is for you. i know i've already done an entire entry about you, but, you just don't seem to stop spreading shit about people. especially about me. so i have a reason to say this all. and i KNOW for a fact that you read my journal. so none of this is a waste of time.
i want you to PLEASE stop approaching MY friends in random places, talking shit about me, trying to make them believe the bullshit you want them to believe. they aren't falling for it. so just stop. it's not worth it. and quite frankly...it's pissing me off. i care a lot about my friends, and i don't want them to be bugged about something they have NOTHING to do with. so please stop doing that.
i already know ALL of the shit you've talked about me since we first started hanging out, not long ago. i just don't see what would drive you to say horrible things about me when you were SUPPOSEDLY "so into me". i mean...this isn't middle school. we aren't doing that "i pick on you cause i like you" crap, anymore. we are supposed to be acting more mature, now. and it bothers me that you said such mean stuff about me when we were such "good friends". it's fucked up. i mean...i cared about you. A LOT. i really did. and i never shit talked you while we were friends. i thought you were awesome. i even almost TRUSTED you. but...now that i think about it, i should have seen it coming. i just don't get it, that's all. i mean...you aren't supposed to talk shit about the person you like. unless you didn't REALLY like me..? but then...why would you hang out with me all the time, and act like you wanted to fucking have sex with me every time we were around each other? you could have just come out and said that you didn't like me. god...i'm just...beyond confused.
i'd really love to get this all sorted out, but i don't know if i could even talk to you. i mean...you've put me through so much shit. honestly. you are pretty damn cold hearted, at times, ashley. and for a 14 year old...you are extremely sly. you were very good at lying for a while. even when i had PROOF that you lied to me, you were basically convincing enough to make me believe that you were telling the TRUTH. but...you aren't so good at lying, anymore, for some reason. maybe everyone just KNOWS how much you like to lie, and nobody takes what you say seriously, anymore. nobody CAN believe you. i mean...just something stupid and simple like "i went to wal-mart today" could be a fucking lie from you. you lie about really rediculous things. and you need to realise how meaningless it is. do you really like losing friends because of stupid things like that? i don't know WHY you would...but...ok...it's your life. do what you want.
it was fun being your friend. and i don't really hate you. i'm a forgiving person. i just wish things wouldn't have gotten so fucked up like this. it really sucks...
i'm just tired of being mind fucked. which is why it's not going to happen, anymore.