i've been tagged :]] by
yamaperfection and..i know i was tagged by someone else a hecka long time ago too :]
* Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose (8) people to get tagged and list their names.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1) i am a horrible horrible procrastinator. i think i've been getting better at not procrastinating but its one of those working progress kinda things :]
2) i absolutely suck at multitasking. its unbelievable how bad i am at it and yet how i totally deny it :D all my friends have learned that when i say "im multitasking", it probably means that they're gonna get ignored for a while or my brain's a mess and they shouldnt expect anything coherent out of me for that duration of time :D l0l but i swear i'm totally getting better at it
3) im a perfectionist. im really really picky about tiny details that probably really dont matter AT ALL yet i'll go crazy over it. BUT beacuse i'm totally lazy, there are times when i just dont wanta care but little mistakes or w/e will still bug me. l0l im a very contradicting person :]
4) i HATE it when people dont understand the power of the word love and abuse it. it is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves EVER. i hate it when people, in their aim infos or myspace or facebook or w.e, go "i love you blah blah blah forever and ever" and 1 month later they break up. it, to tell the truth, disgusts me. people just do not know how to properly use the word and they'll always claim they "love" someone and honestly....i just dont believe them. its ridiculous. l0l no im not one of those people who dont believe in love and hate relationships and all that :] i do believe its possible and i know someone that i actually do completely believe when he uses the word love. l0l ok this is getting long moving onnn :]
5) i love food. haha i just love food :] im not a very picky eater but i do have a lot of preferences. like i swear i can LIVE off sushi or korean bbq or pasta :]
6) i have a horrible guilt complex. i hate it when i dont do wat i say i'll do or if i did something wrong, i'd feel horrible about it. its really easy to make me feel bad l0l
7) i can be very very hyper like bouncing off the walls but i have really low times too when i'll just think wayyy too much. l0l no i am not bipolar :] i just....once i start thinking i'll overthink everything and then blahhhhh. but when im hyper.....i'm wacko :D
8) friends matter. a lot. and a lot of times, i'm the shrink so im always caught in the middle of drama and then things get all complicated and i feel like my head's gonna explode. but anyways :] friendships are really important to me and i used to be really naive about things like that but i've learned that not all friendships can last forever but the ones that are really strong and are mutual.....those are the friendships that are worth the effort and will last.
mmkay i shall tag....
raspberrypi dymed_angel rah_rah_ramen yasaijanaidesu aznangelchick yamashita_nana japanese_queen raspberrypi im sure a lot of you have already been tagged or already done this :] u dont have to if u dont want to of courseee :] no pressure haha.
wheeeewwww by the time i got to number 5 i had to start digging in my brain for the rest :D and this sure has heck been the most colorful entry on the planet of earth :]
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now for fangirling time :] i swear aaron has like taken over my brain. :D its amazing how much power he has over me. that boy's smile can kill :]] l0l and danson's new mv has made me go all kyaaaaa over him too. he's so freaking hot *dies* i am on..episode 19 of ko-one :]] its taken me FOREVER to get there and im still not done t.t but i better finish before school starts. omgod aaron in ko-one is like....to die for. its NOT SAFE for any boy to look THAT GOOD and be THAT PERFECT!!!! *diessssss*
mm picspam time :D hahhahahaaa :]]
i find when the 3 of them stand together....its freaking HOT
one of aaron's rare smiles as xiao yu in ko-one *giggggle*
once again...the 3 of them standing together :D
omgod aaron's heartbroken sad face makes me wanta cryyyyyy *sobsob* HE'S SO ADORABLEEEEEEEEEEEEE
my GOD that boy knows how to kill me. enough said :]
OMGOD AARON!!! is it just me but there are times where he just looks SOO different. like he's cute ALWAYS but he just looks different.....KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *DIES*
no i did NOT post the same picture twice. THAT is how many screencaps i have taken of that cm..to the point that 2 different screencaps look like the exact same shot *dies*
jiro and his lips.....*swoon* and his always sleeveless shirts *giggggle*
omgod i have like A BILLION more screencaps just WAITING to be uploaded and fangirled over.....but this entry has been longer than long. so im gonna shut up now :D