Incoherent thoughts on Orlando

Jun 13, 2016 18:27

I saw the news yesterday, but somehow it didn't register with me just how bad the massacre was.

I'm in between tasks, looking at the headlines on my phone, watching people try to turn it to their advantage, pour gasoline on the fires of hatred, and I don't know whether I want to scream or go home and crawl under the bed.

What the hell will I be coming home to?

I mean, there is an entire segment of the power structure of the country that dismisses an entire segment of the population as "other", lesser, unworthy of equal protection under the law, and then when that "other" gets attacked for it ... whip up fear against another "other"?

I don't know what to think. I'm pretty sure nobody else knows what to think. I do know that you can't say "don't politicize" because it's already too damn late for that, and you can't say "it's too soon" because for about a hundred people in Orlando, it's already too late.

I did say I was incoherent, didn't I?

And when I'm asked to explain to the locals here what the hell happened, I don't have any answers. Nothing that'll make sense, anyway.

Under the bed it is.

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