Oh, right. I've still got one of these things.

Oct 12, 2015 17:58

So life's been kind of busy, the way life sometimes gets. I think I lost half of August and most of September on crunch tasks - I've become something of an anti-fan (is that a concept?) of nebulous deadlines, because they have a tendency to become concrete deadlines without warning, and uncomfortably tight deadlines at that.

Sometimes there are consequences. Sometimes a failure to do a task in a particular timeframe might result in a deal falling through, or someone going bankrupt, or someone going to prison. But sometimes the consequence is simply a client getting upset. And mixed in with that are the questions of what one is willing to sacrifice to get the job done by the deadline - sometimes I've got to tell people, essentially, "I think I can get this done by your deadline, but it's not going to be my best work, and I won't have time to double-check it."

Sometimes, I've got to be fast. Sometimes, I've got the time to check my work and make sure it's right. (I prefer the latter.) And sometimes I've got to bounce back to the person asking me to do a task and tell them that it's a couple of steps beyond insane. (Translate a 172-page law that just came out of Parliament? All of it? By when?)

I've fallen behind on fannish stuff, I know. I paid for the season pass for Agents of SHIELD, but I'm already a week behind and it's only two weeks into the season. I did get a chance to see The Martian, though - I strongly recommend it. Great adaptation of a great book.

Summer's finally over here in Athens - this past weekend we had thunderstorms. It makes life interesting, particularly because my apartment and my office are both on the low end of a significant hill, and Athens doesn't have a very good storm drain system.

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