Title: Three Days Without Jared
bksnclevernessWord Count: 1649
Pairing: J2
Notes: This is part of the football'verse but you really don't need to read that to enjoy this. But you should totally read that too.
Link to part 1 and the rest and there's also the timestamp fic
Weight Training. This fic takes place the night before Weight Training, although
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Jared calls Jen baby. Hearts that (weirdly, I hate it the other way round...huh). Jared is all toppy. Hearts that too. Jared and Jensen involved in super hot fictional boy-loving. Hearts that as well. Therefore, I proclaim this to be perfect. Yay.
I know EXACTLY what you mean. It just doesn't work the other way around, as far as I'm concerned.
YAY! I love Toppy!Jared too!
I'm so happy you liked it. I certainly liked writing it. YAY!
You know I'm totally taking that to mean you want to write epic toppy Jared fics forever and do nothing else with your time bar feed our need :-P
Thanks, btw. ;-)
Hmmm, I think I can write more Toppy!Jared fics. I don't think that's going to be a problem at all. Whee!
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