(no subject)

Dec 01, 2004 09:04

I just want this semester to be OVER.

I still don't quite understand how this all works. In HS you have a class EVERYday for the year, or half the year...and some days fly by, others drag on. In college, you have a class 2 or 3 times a week for 15 weeks...and its the same thing. I don't get it?

Speaking of classes...I withdrew from my first class ever yesterday. Philosophy:Reasoning and Politics. I had no other choice. I failed both the 1st test, and the make up, and the second test. I asked if there was any thing I could do to pass, and he said that I should have come to him during office hours. He's right, I should have. I really hate placing the students grade on the teacher...BUT when half the class fails the 1st test, and alot don't do that much better on the make up...can you really blame the students for not understanding the material? It's just not presented in an understandable fashion. EVERYone stares blankly because they don't get it. AND he is the chairperson of the dept! He gave me a WP (Withdraw Passing) though, SO I should be grateful for that.

What I don't know, and NO ONE has answered, is...I know WP goes on my transcript, BUT when they do my GPA and stuff for this semester, is it figured in for 4 classes or 5? Because I only am attempting 12 credits now, and you can't figure in a grade that isn't there right?

I know there isn't a ton of things I need to do, but I feel like theres so much work to do before the end of the semester. I always feel like that though.
*LIFE Story project for Psych
*Campus Speaker Review for Geography (due Friday, haven't gone to a speaker yet...last speaker is Thursday night!)
*Urban Structure Paper for Geography
*Translation 3 for Spanish

AND other than that...I only have one more test in Spanish (this Friday) and then I'm just waiting for Finals to roll around.

Dad's gonna talk to grams and gramps today and see what they are doing about the car. They were looking for a new one, and I was gonna try to buy the old one...but they haven't decided. Hopefully they can decide by today so I know if I am going to Huggard and Ewing or not.

I have to teach CCD tonight 4:15-5:15, then work 5:30-Close. I love Wednesdays. BUT at least I only have one class tomorrow :-\

Even though it's only 9:15, I'm gonna go pretend to do school work until it's time to go to Psych.

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