(no subject)

May 15, 2007 00:06

so friday i get a call around 11. it was joe from park st. they were going up to ho-chunk in the dells for some poker times. this sounded like an amazing idea. thursday i more or less caught up to all the important sorting that needed doing for dan. friday was basically a light shipping day that i was nearing completion on. and it was my birthday tuesday was it not? the world owed me some gambling! dan was a little resistant, but i explained to him that all i really had to do for the near future was sorting the bulk on the top shelf (ultra low priority). so i did the only noble thing and called up newly arrived and fellow pseudo birthday boy ben rasmussen.

next thing i know im headed up to "the chunk" to meet joe and etc with ben r and ben r. ben r #2 being multi game expert ben rislove. i found other ben to be a fairly entertaining character and he actually out imaged me at the table. my whole plan of appearing the donk was brutally stolen from me by a true donk it up master like rislove. rislove basically never shuts up. ever. also he plays way too many hands and raises too often. he never stops betting either. this all works out for him though because he hits flops like a mad fiend. and every time he doesnt they just end up folding. i have no idea how you get an entire limit table to fold.

i ended up down. luckily it was 2/4 so i wasnt down too much. unlike the last time i played 2/4 there and got annhialted on probably the worst drought of a casino session i've ever had. i think the losses were around $95. both bens were up at least a hundred each which was pretty good to see.

then it was back to madison to go out for some delicious laotian cuisine with a bunch of friends. zee unfortunately had to work, but then was generously given off. (thanks steve!) i split some great tom yum soup with barry and followed it up with some awesome veggie curry. cant actually remember what it was called. then we followed it up with some 2hg draft at chris richter's. i demanded brazz as my partner. we drafted some sick decks and it looked like we might sweep it, but then got hated out by hustad and barry. it beat going to the bar.

the next day was the chicago ptq. i ended up driving down with the bens. i was a little worried about not having a teammate. the plan was to team with matt lackey. unfortunately none of my attempts to contact him in the last week had worked. tflo confirmed to me that lackey would be showing up at the ptq around wednesday. i breathed a sigh of relief when i saw him hanging out by the back door when we showed up for the tournament.

but that bastard totally bagged me. it seems he forgot he was going to team with me(WEAK), and had shown up to play with mike day (SUPER WEAK) and now i was stuck with no teammate (WEAK WEAK WEAK!!!) a couple people told me they would team with me, but i heard dave heineman was in town so i thought i would go with my madison lifeline first. dave didn't answer so i decided to go with my pt geneva roommate azrael spear.

we ended up opening some moderately sick decks. i gave azrael the better deck because it was 3 colors and had better cards in it. cards i just dont trust myself to peel at the appropriate time. this proved to be an amazing plan. i had a lot of mediocre to terrible draws out of my deck all day, but azrael just kept topdecking like a champion all day. i was pretty excited about playing spellweaver's vollute in az's deck. we had the buyback scry spell and it was going to be insane if we ever put the two together. this never happened all day for us though. we lost one round to mana flood to two guys who didn't seem entirely with it. we somehow avoided playing lackey's team all day despite both being undefeated for most of the day.

join me next time for tales of grudge matches, fish hats and a guy who is not a gangsta rapper from houston.
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