Jan 20, 2005 01:46
- just got home from work and im BORED as usual casue i can NEVER go to sleep until like 3 in the am! ..UGH!..
- just packed most of the rest of my clothes to put in the closet @ sam's
- iv'e been pigging out for the past 2 days...i'm about to start that time of the motnh so i'm PMSing like woah this month for some reason & it's pissing me off cause i will stuff my face with so much food that i feel like im gonna throw up and then right when that feeling goes away i feel like i should be eating and of course i do.. whats wrong with me?!
- i HAVE to go shopping im in need of winter clothes... ITS BAD!
- my tata's also hurt really really bad ((sorry if a boy is reading this haha))
- i start my diet again tomarrow and brittani is gonna do it with me so that we are hot botches for spring break!
- go back to tampa tomarrow and i finally get to go out with ALL the girls, and admas bartending so i get free drinks =).. & going to the mall and possibly fill out an app. @ guess or bebe for when im in tampa for a little extra spending money =)
- my car is dirty and still not fixed =(
- get my student loan money tomarrow
- in DESPERATE need of 5,200$ by april for my boob's! if anyone knows an easy place to get a loan let me know! wink wink
- im only taking one class ... so mad at myself
I'm just talking about whatevers on my mind sorry! this is a very unneccesary and random post sorry! it's for me to vent it all out so that i stop thinking about everyhting... even thoguh there is one thing that i still havent told LJ .. and it's really bothering me!