One week left

Jul 28, 2005 21:29

School is coming and none have the power to stop it...*shiver*

I'm actually kinda excited, it'll just be good to get on a schedule again and to see some people everyday. (*cough*AshleyStacy*cough*) And just to feel at the end of the day like I did something. So besides the waking up part, I'm kinda looking forward to school. Oh yeah, and AP courses, definitely dreading those a little bit.

These past few days have been good and lazy. (As quite a few of mine are) Alberto got back fro NJ and we hung out for like, 3 days straight, lol. He got a hair straightener and I wish I could post pics because it looks good but in a hilarious way. We basically just talked a lot, he's getting more and more into God's word which is really exciting and inspiring. It really reminded me of that original thrist I had to know God more and more. We also played a lot of video games and talked about girls...because that's what in the closet nerds do. ;)

We also did some yard work Wednesday, we pulled weeds for about 3 hours in an older lady's yard in the 98 degree weather for a whopping sum of 15 dollars each. Nevertheless, good hard work builds character so...why not. (I also used the 15 bucks to buy a birthday present..soooo it all works out) As productive as the yard work was, I also messed my right hand index finger up a little much, I'll spare you the details but please be praying over it. (Never underestime prayer! lol) Also, while were on the subject, be praying for a friend of mine and the choices they make. I think it's a prayer we all need. Just keep my friend in thought. Thank ya much.

I'm leaving for Bradenton tommorow and I'm really excited about that, it's been about a year since I've seen my Papa and every once in a while I've talked to him just out of fear I'll lose him. It sounds stupid, but I just lost a great uncle and it woke me up to the fact that people are impermanent. I also get to see my good buddy Jesse who lives there, I've probably shot up another 6 inches since Jesse last saw me. lol. I CAN'T STOP GROWING!


Does anyone who's been to Warren W. Willis camp in Leesburg remember the song that goes:

"Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.....Ly Ly Ly Ly Ly Ly Ly Ly Ly Ly"

I'm going to get to bed now. Thanks for reading more of my ramblings, hope your not bored and know that God has amazing plans for you.

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