Jan 04, 2006 16:16
Why are people so RUDE!! Especially when you have to work with them! Today in a meeting I was giving an update and was asked a question. Well as I was answering the woman who asked me decides that she wants to flex her muscles and gets all snippy with me out of the blue. Now I've witness her do this before. She gets herself all in a bunch for no reason. It's like she has coversations in her head and then explodes on you. So half the team is in NY so this was a conference call. well the people around the table were looking at me, the phone and each other like "WTH". I mean it was really uncalled for. Finally I had to say in a very stern voice after she went on and on about wasting resources, etc, etc and asking me when I can get back to her with an answer AS IF I WORKED FOR HER or something in this authoritative voice. Finally I had to put her in her place in a subtle way after she made her last comment about wasting resources by saying "Exactly. That's. Why. I. Am. Checking. Into It" And all around me was quite. And finally her manager said let's move on. I can't deal with unprofessional people or people who do not have a check on their emotions in the work place. I just can't deal and it's like give me the same level of respect that I give you please. we don't have to like each other (and up until this point I've had no issues with her) but as long as we work together let's at least respect each other. All I have to say is "strike 1 missy". And there are no three strikes. One more and I will pull her to the side next time we are face to face or call her on the phone and let her know that I don't appreciate the tone of voice she uses.