Mentally Murdering The Bias Film Writer For 8 Days.

May 26, 2009 11:32

For one, I have always DISLIKED the film critic for 8 Days magazine.
She is bias and I just realized, that she is also lazy in checking out the correct information.
In the first place, aren't all film critics suppose to be fair in their judgement?
You liking arty-farty films doesn't mean that THE WHOLE OF SINGAPORE would be the same.
By rating YOUR favorite films a 4.5 or 4 is not fair compared to the other movies that ARE WAY BETTER.

Oh, and your article on DANCE SUBARU, GO ARA IS NOT A SINGER, YOU DUMB TWIT. She is a model/actress. How could you get her profession wrong? She was trained as a singer, model and actress but she has never sung or produced a single. AND DANCE SUBARU IS BASED ON A MANGA. NOT A DRAMA. GOSH!
Get your facts right before you publish in a nation-wide magazine!

Note to all, Do not believe in the way she rates movies if you are from Singapore. Cause, she is a bias critic. HYD 4 was rated 2.5 stars if I remembered correctly. And guess what! It was the 1st movie in the box office during that period so, how can she possibly be a good film critic if a movie that good wasn't even rated 3.5 or 4?
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