Dec 01, 2008 15:10

Hey so i am like so bored but i can't be because i have so much shit to do because of Finals in two weeks and i don't have the necessary time to study and write like 5 papers. All i want to do is to sleep and hang out with Mary, Megan, or Adelle but no i don't have the time. I am currently taking a break from reading a book which I have to write an 8 page paper for. I am watchin James Bond Casino Royale to get my mind less cluttered. I am too tired to read. I hope that I will be able to finish my paper because honestly i don't have the time. But i will soon be working on my paper again i have about forty five minutes left.

Oh and for the weekend that currently ended i had a blast in NY and i want to go back next week but so far i don't think that is going to happen.


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