(no subject)

Mar 21, 2005 22:25

01. Last Cigarette: its been a while..
02. Last Kiss: yesterday
03. Last Cry: i feel like crying now for some reason, but its been a few weeks.
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: call me crazy i think, its the anne heche memoir.
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: ring 2
06. Last Book Read: im in the middle of ten, i last read out of this side of paradise, by f scott fitzgerald
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: umm.. damnit i think
08. Last Beverage Drank: diet coke
09. Last Food Consumed: pizza
11. Last TV Show Watched: dr. 90210
12. Last Time Showered: this monring!! what a momentuos occasion!
13. Last Shoes Worn: candies
14. Last CD Played: umm... guster
15. Last Soda Drank: diet Coke
16. Last Thing Written: to my wife
17. Last Words Spoken: here.
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: over a year ago.
24. Last Time Dancing: luau, well, actually i did a silly dance with marissa today.
27. Last Crush: my boy :)
28. Last Annoyance: my back
39. Last Disappointment: my pizza
01. piercings = 8 in ears
02. tattoos = none
03. height = 5'6"
04. shoe size = 7.5
05. hair color = brown
06. eye color = blueish greenish greyish
07. siblings = billy

03. cd you bought = guster
05. person you've called = the wife
06. person that's called you = some random guy on my cell about a job

01. you have a crush on someone = my boy:)
02. you wish you could live somewhere else = yes
03. you think about suicide = constantly, but not about doing it anymore
04. you believe in online dating = No, but i guess it works for some people
05. others find you attractive = so im told...
06. you want more piercings = i don't know, part of me does
07. you drink = yeah but not often
08. you do drugs = no
09. you like cleaning = yes, but only when no ones told me i have to.
10. you like roller coasters = I do like them, but i hate the lines so theyre not worth it
11. you write in cursive or print = combo of both
+ long distance relationships = hard, but worth it sometimes
+ using someone = against
+ suicide = for, depending on the situation
+ killing people = against
+ teenage smoking = eh, do what you want to do, i think everyone knows the consequences of it.
+ doing drugs = see above.
+ driving drunk = Against
+ soap operas = ridiculous but addictive, against

+ thing to do= god im such a girl, shop
+ thing to talk about = anything but politics
+ drinks = diet coke and fruit2o
+ clothes = i love clothes
+ movies = phsychological ones
+ holiday = hmm... new years?

+ ever cried over a girl = more than anyone else
+ ever cried over a boy = yes
+ ever lied to someone = Yes
+ ever been in a fist fight = with billy, but they are real ones so yeah
+ ever been arrested = nope

+ shampoo do you use = pantene but not right now i ran out so dove.
+ shoes do you wear= heels
+ are you scared of: failure, burning alive, shaking things
# of times you have been in love? twice
# of times you have had your heart broken? once?
# of hearts you have broken? maybe one
# of girls you have kissed? 2?
# of boys you have kissed? only one that matters.
# of drugs taken illegally? possilby one against my will
# of people you would classify as true, could trust with your life type friends? 4
# of people you consider your enemies? ooh i want to punch her face in!!!
# of times your name has appeared in the newspaper? lots for swimming
# of scars on your body? over 100
# of things in your past that you regret? ive answered this before, id either have to say most of it or none, but im happy now, and anything that may have been different in the past could affect who i am today, so nothing. everything happens for a reason and shapes who you are as a person.
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