Nov 04, 2008 15:53
I don't know if I'm scared to death or excited about the outcome of this election.
I don't deal well with change. What will the stock market do tomorrow? What will this mean for local ecomonies? Will the gas prices stay low? What will happen to our taxes? Will we really get a tax break? Will the utilities go up or stay where they are? Part of me wants to go party in the streets because we're going to make history today regardless of who wins, and the other part of me wants to crawl into bed and cry.
Doesn't help that I took meds late and when the sugar is high my emotions are always running close to the surface. Stupid diabetes. Wish I could drink. LOL
Wish next week were over.
Monday we're having a huge Veteran's Day program. The governor's office and the history channel are sending representatives there and our veterans are going to record their stories.
We're doing a 20 minute one act about the loss in war as well as using the choir to sing several numbers. This has turned into a larger than expected event and it looks like what started out as just our own in house event will be attended by every local dignitary and his/her brother. On top of this, our show opens Thursday. State football playoffs Friday (germane only because we had to move Friday's show to SUNDAY), All State Chamber Choir auditions are Saturday - a 4 hour drive away, show on Sunday and then Monday the 17th we start show THREE after school.
You say I sound wound up? YEP!